try! Swift San Jose is your chance to contribute to open source Swift in a friendly and supportive environment with the help of community mentors!
Happening on Friday, June 7th at the Hilton connected to the San Jose McEnery Convention Center at WWDC.
Follow us on Twitter at @tryswiftsanjose for the latest updates and announcements!
Interested in joining try! Swift San Jose?
Sign up for an invite!
We are committed to providing a safe space for all of our attendees, speakers, and volunteers. Our Code of Conduct can be read in full here.
Meet the Mentors
Robert Widmann
Swift Compiler and Language
Robert Widmann
Robert is a mathematician and programming language enthusiast. He has spent his past three summers interning at Apple working on the Swift compiler and language. He currently maintains two open source organizations providing Swift frameworks: TypeLift for general functional programming and LLVMSwift for writing compilers. When not programming, he enjoys playing and listening to music, reading white papers, and cooking.
Naruki Chigira
iOS Developer at Mirrativ,
Swift Package Manager,
Swift Contributor
David Hart
Lead iOS Developer at Atipik, Swift Compiler & SPM Contributor
David Hart
David Hart is the Lead iOS Developer at Atipik, a mobile development shop in Geneva, Switzerland. His day job working on Apple’s platforms and his passion for programming languages have converged into contributions to the Swift compiler, Swift Package Manager and participation to Swift Evolution.
Robert Pieta
Founder at Routine Performance, Swift and Swift Core Libs Contributor
Robert Pieta
Robert Pieta is a software engineer with a decade of iOS experience and Swift contributor focused on performance. He is founder of Routine Performance, a consulting firm that helps companies audit and optimize existing code. Previously Robert was co-founder and CEO of Onenigma, a Chicago-based agency creating apps and other technology for enterprises like Airbnb and Peapod.
Simon Evans
Freelance iOS and Backend Developer, swift-corelibs-foundation Contributor
Simon Evans
Simon is a contributor to Swift and Swift Foundation, aiming to improve the support for Swift on Linux and Server Side Swift in general.
Daiki Matsudate
iOS Developer at FOLIO,
Swift Language Contributor
Daiki Matsudate
Daiki works at FOLIO where he's an iOS developer. Additionally, He is a Google Developers Experts for Firebase and contribute regularly to Open Source projects like Swift lang, Open API Generator and so on. When not coding, He enjoys going Onsen ♨️, traveling in Japan or overseas and seeing friends.
Yusuke Kita
Software Engineer @ Mercari, Swift Compiler & SwiftSyntax Contributor
Yusuke Kita
I’m a Software Engineer at Mercari. I've been working on the Mercari US app on frontend and backend teams. I'm passionate about learning new technology. When not coding, you can find me cycling.
Brennan Saeta
Swift for TensorFlow
Brennan Saeta
Brennan Saeta leads the Swift for TensorFlow project on the Google Brain team. Previously, he worked on Cloud TPUs, and before that on Cloud infrastructure at Coursera.
Paige Bailey
Swift for TensorFlow
Paige Bailey
Paige Bailey is the product manager for Swift for TensorFlow. Prior to joining the S4TF team, Paige was as developer advocate for TensorFlow core; a senior software engineer and machine learning engineer in the office of the Microsoft Azure CTO; and a data scientist at Chevron.
Community mentors will be announced in the next few weeks! Follow us on Twitter at @tryswiftsanjose for the latest updates and announcements!
Email us if you've contributed to one of the Swift open source projects and would like to be a mentor!
June 7th, 2019
9:00 AM   - Doors Open, Registration
10:00 AM - Opening Announcements
10:15 AM - Swift Presentations
11:00 AM - Get Started w/ Swift Open Source
12:00 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM   - Doors Open
1:30 PM   - Announcements
1:45 PM   - Contribute to Swift Open Source
6:00 PM - Closing
Interested in sponsoring or want more information? Send us an email at [email protected].
Meet the Organizers
Natasha Murashev
Founder of try! Swift
Natasha Murashev
Natasha is an iOS developer by day and a robot by night. She blogs about Swift, watchOS, and iOS development on her blog, and organizes the try! Swift Conference around the world (including this one!). She's currently living the digital nomad life as her alter identity: @NatashaTheNomad.
Satoshi Hachiya
Founder of Pancake Meetup, Swift Package Manager Contributor
Satoshi Hachiya
Satoshi is a Japanese iOS developer working at R CUBE, inc. Mostly, he takes part in R CUBE's wedding service, Hanacolle. He was a speaker at Mobile Optimized 2017 in Belarus. He is also a founder of Pancake Meetup taken place in Tokyo, San Jose, and New York so far. You can find him with a profile picture of pancakes on Twitter, GitHub and Instagram.🥞
Nino Sakuma
Designer / iOS Developer
Nino Sakuma
Nino Sakuma ( a. k. a. yucovin ) is a designer and a painter in Japan. She loves Apple products so much that she became an iOS developer. She is an instructor of iOS app development course for beginners `App Creator Dojo(App-Dojo)`. Web site: Apple Blog `Motto shiritai Ringo arekore`. Riko, the mascot of try! Swift, is designed by her.
Vaishnavi Srinivasan
Product Manager at Braintree
Vaishnavi Srinivasan
Vaishnavi is Product Manager at Braintree, working on building mobile SDKs. She has over 10 years of experience in the industry, mostly on mobile products, as an engineer and product manager. Prior to Braintree, she spent time at Capital One, American Express & NewYork Times. When not at work, you can find her cooking, reading or planning imaginary vacations.
Alvin Varghese
Curator of Swift Sparks
Alvin Varghese
Alvin Varghese is an iOS & macOS developer from the land of cultures and traditions, Kerala. He is in his early twenties, has extremely high energy levels and being idle kills him. He is really passionate about iOS Development and technology, that's why he chose to become a Swift lover and an iOS Developer. When he is not working on any projects, he engages himself by reading books and travelling. He has a life-long obsession with learning and exploring. He is the author of Swift Sparks newsletter, a hand-picked list of Swift news every Monday. Nowadays he spends lot of his time organizing and managing Swift India Developer Community .