try! Swift Conference is an international community gathering about the latest advancements in Swift Development. The event is about bringing together talent from all around the world to collaborate and share advanced knowledge and techniques to improve Swift craftsmanship. Coming again to Tokyo on March 21st & 22nd 2019, with workshops happening on March 23rd!
Follow us on Twitter at @tryswiftconf for the latest updates and announcements!
We are committed to providing a safe space for all of our attendees, speakers, and volunteers. Our Code of Conduct can be read in full here.
Meet the Speakers

Tom Doron
Senior Engineering Manager at Apple

Tom Doron
Tom works at Apple where he is serving as a senior engineering manager focusing on core cloud technologies and open source libraries and frameworks.

David Okun

David Okun
David Okun is a mobile software developer turned developer advocate for IBM in Austin, Texas. David has been primarily focused on iOS mobile software, but is also interested in Swift on the Server, and other web technologies such as Node.js.

Ian Partridge

Ian Partridge
Ian Partridge is the technical lead of the Swift@IBM development team, working in open source to bring Swift to the cloud. A committer to the core Swift libraries and a developer of Kitura, one of the leading Swift web frameworks, he comes from a background in virtual machine performance and debugging. Ian regularly speaks at conferences including AltConf, iOSCon, dotSwift, SwiftConf and more.

Nobuo Saito
iOS Tech Lead at Mercari

Nobuo Saito
Nobuo, a.k.a tarunon is working at Mercari. He likes to cook, play games and program. He doubled the time he plays games because he updated Splatoon before the release of the Smash Brothers SP.

Yuta Saito
iOS Developer at Mercari

Yuta Saito
Yuta is an intern at Mercari's iOS team. He gets lost with Swift everyday in the beautiful world of types. His hobby recently is to read the Swift compiler.

Hikaru Yoshimura
Developer at Recruit Marketing Partners

Hikaru Yoshimura
Hikaru Yoshimura works as a Scala engineer. He used to study type systems when he was in the university so he can program using some functional languages a little bit. He sometimes brings the good parts of languages like Scala, Haskell or OCaml to Swift.

Maxim Cramer
Principle Design Technologist at Autodesk

Maxim Cramer
Maxim is a Design Technologist at Autodesk, London. Having previously made iOS keyboards funky at SwiftKey, and contemporary art available at your fingertips with Artsy, she now prototypes exclusively to create the best experiences for VFX studios. She also makes technology accessible for entrepreneurs and startups through technical coaching at MENNENIA and Beluga Bean.

Jon-Tait Beason
iOS Software engineer at Glowforge

Jon-Tait Beason
Jon-Tait Beason is a iOS software engineer at Glowforge, maker of The 3D Laser Printer. Having a background in education, he enjoys teaching and learning. To that end, he spends a lot of time hanging out in iOS communities where he learns from others and helps engineers who are starting out.

Nic Laughter
Software engineer at

Nic Laughter
Nic Laughter is a technophile currently living in Utah. He has been writing code since 2015 and currently works as a software engineer generalist at, primarily working on the main iOS app and occasionally contributing to the website and React Native seller app. He sometimes blogs on Medium, and in his spare time you can find him making music, playing video games, or hanging out with his family.

Benedikt Terhechte
Senior iOS Developer at XING

Benedikt Terhechte
Benedikt works as a Senior iOS Developer at the professional network XING. In previous jobs he developed solutions for customers such as Disney or Daimler-Chrysler. As an Indie Mac developer, he launched successful apps such as PhotoDesk and Hirundo. Benedikt started investigating Swift right after the 2014 release and writes about it on his popular blog. He also initiated the Core Value and SourceKittenDaemon open source projects

Namrata Bandekar
Principal Software Engineer at Zynga

Namrata Bandekar
Namrata is a Principal Software Engineer at Zynga building addictive games. She is also a member of the Ray Wenderlich Tutorial Team. She is the co-author of ARKit by Tutorials and one of the Tech Editors on the Android Apprentice book. Apart from building apps, she is passionate about travelling, scuba diving and hiking with her dog.

Liz Marley
iOS Engineer at Nordstrom

Liz Marley
Liz is a 13-year veteran of the Omni Group, now an iOS engineer at Nordstrom. She has also organized App Camp for Girls in Seattle several times. She speaks at conferences as an excuse to learn new things and hang out with other macOS and iOS developers. She hasn't written any books or hosted any podcasts...yet.

Cecilia Humlelu
Developer at Spotify

Cecilia Humlelu
I am Cecilia, developer, miniature crafter, acroyogis, and maybe something more. One thing that you might have not guessed about me: I was once a lift truck operator.

Dave DeLong
Ex-Apple iOS Engineer

Dave DeLong
A seven-year veteran of Apple, Dave DeLong is an accomplished iOS engineer with a passion for teaching, experimentation, and hacking the Objective-C runtime. During his time at Apple, he worked on the UIKit framework, Developer Evangelism, and Apple Maps. He also worked on the Product Experience team at Snap, Inc. Dave, his family, and his large collection of Brandon Sanderson books live near Salt Lake City, where he’s an active member of the local developer community. He can often be found on Twitter teaching developers about all the ways that calendrical calculations can go wrong and pontificating on the virtues of eating chocolate with peanut butter.

Adam Bell
Software Engineer at Facebook

Adam Bell
Adam is a software engineer specializing in audio, animations, interactions, and gestures, currently working on Origami Studio at Facebook. When he's not racing cars or messing with synthesizers, you'll usually find him dabbling in the internals of Apple products or getting Doom to run on platforms it really wasn't designed for ( 🙃.

Mayuko Inoue
iOS Engineer and YouTuber

Mayuko Inoue
Mayuko is an iOS Engineer and the founder of helloMayuko, a youtube channel with over 200,000 subscribers aimed at helping make the tech industry feel more accessible to those trying to enter. She creates vlog-style videos about software development and other topics to demystify the life and career path of a Software Engineer. She is passionate about the creating products that help people, the creative arts, and boppin music.

Sally Shepard
iOS Developer, Accessibility Consultant, Writer and Hardware Hacker

Sally Shepard
Sally Shepard is an iOS developer, accessibility consultant, writer and hardware hacker who has worked on a wide variety of award winning apps. Before the iPhone existed, she studied audio engineering, a field which combined her love of music and tinkering with expensive hardware. She lives in London and in her spare time she enjoys playing any instrument with strings, attaching sensors to her cat and taking pictures with vintage cameras.

Kristina Fox
Senior iOS Engineer at Intuit

Kristina Fox
Kristina Fox is a Senior iOS Engineer at Intuit. She writes tutorials and technical commentary on iOS and watchOS development on her website As an international speaker, she has presented on topics ranging from Apple Watch development to using technical writing to advance engineering skills. Her past speaking events include talks at AltConf, NSSpain, iOSDevUK and many more. Kristina’s main goal in life is to consume as much avocado toast as she can. She also enjoys watching cat videos and Twittering. Find her on Twitter @krstnfx.

Developer/Designer of CotEditor

1024jp is hobby macOS developer/designer. Besides working as a professional academic researcher in real life, 1024jp invests entire leisure time in developing macOS applications by doing every process from coding to drawing icons. The most active project is CotEditor, a native macOS plain-text editor. CotEditor is currently one of the largest open-sourced macOS application written in Swift but has been developed by 1024jp alone since CotEditor was officially taken over from the ex-developer five years ago. Besides, 1024jp organizes also “macOS native,” a community for sharing knowledge about native macOS app development in Japan.

Andrew Madsen
Director of iOS at Lambda School, iPhreaks Co-host

Andrew Madsen
Andrew is director of the iOS program at Lambda School. He has been doing Cocoa development for the last 14 years, with a particular focus on audio and video apps for creative people. A full time iOS teacher for the past three years, he loves sharing the wonderful world of Swift and iOS with new programmers. Andrew is also co-host of the iPhreaks iOS development podcast, and enjoys being a part of the developer community. Despite embracing Swift starting in 2014, Objective-C will always be his first love.

Donny Wals
iOS @ Disney

Donny Wals
I'm a passionate and curious iOS developer, Author and Speaker. I currently work at Disney on our internal iOS SDK. I have written three books on iOS development and have delivered several talks and workshop over the past couple of years. Next to iOS development I'm a huge cat lover and I like noodling on my guitar.

Yusuke Hosonuma
Software Engineer at DeNA

Yusuke Hosonuma
Yusuke is working at DeNA SWET group. He recognizes how beautiful of Functional Programming and study Haskell now. He likes to solve algorithm problems with Haskell, with automated testing.

Yuki Aki
iOS Engineer at LINE Fukuoka

Yuki Aki
Yuki is an iOS Developer at LINE Fukuoka. From started intern, his Quority of Life and weight has increased so that he is in a diet. Reacently He reads Swiftc and SIL so much hard. When he's not coding, he likes to draw cat illustration.

Tomoya Hirano
iOS Developer at DeNA

Tomoya Hirano
Tomoya is iOS developer at DeNA and works on Pococha, which is live streaming app. He loves fox so much🦊💕

Michael Petrie
Lead iOS measurement framework team at ZOZO Technologies

Michael Petrie
My name is Michael Petrie, but everyone calls me Kapsy. I work for ZOZO Technologies and lead the iOS measurement framework team. I have a background in games and real time programming, using C and C++, and yearn for the day when we can all decide on a common ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) and be happy.

Kamil Borzym
iOS software developer

Kamil Borzym
Kamil is an iOS software developer. He is very curious of how things work internally, so he likes to decompile frameworks and apps.

Rina Kotake
iOS Developer at DeNA

Rina Kotake
Rina started to work at DeNA from 2017. From she was child, her dream is being Pokemon master. In 2011 MITOU Program, she adopted this program and open her eyes up to the fun in making things. She attended a lots of hackathon and contest and got over 25 awards. Now she develops MangaBox iOS app.

Yuki Kokubun
iOS/Web application developer in DeNA

Yuki Kokubun
Yuki is working at DeNA and experts for unit testing in iOS / Web. He purchases fun, wise, and valued testing. He likes to hear the voice of testing.

Yuto Mizutani
iOS Developer at VALU

Yuto Mizutani
Yuto is new graduate iOS developer at VALU. He hopes to bridge scientific research and technology. He has been working with iOS (Swift) in collaboration with external organizations since he was student. He likes electronic work, so his dream is to build fully automated home.

Yusuke Kita
Software Engineer at Mercari

Yusuke Kita
I’m a Software Engineer at Mercari. I've been working on Mercari US app in frontend and backend team. I'm passionate about learning new technology. When not coding, you can find me cycling.
Meet the Hosts

Yusaku Kinoshita

Yusaku Kinoshita
Afroscript is a member of "Swift愛好会", a Swift community in Japan. He is an Engineering Gateway at Mercari.

Tim Oliver

Tim Oliver
Tim is a Senior iOS Software Engineer for Mercari in Tokyo. He's been building apps for the iPhone for 10 years now, loving every second of it.
In his free time, he works on his comic reader app iComics as well as publishing a variety of open source libraries.
He also loves video games and karaoke. His singing made a brief appearance in a Japanese anime debuting this season.

Nicholas Maccharoli, Sho Ikeda, Yusuke Kita
Sho is a Swift (corelibs-foundation) contributor. Also Creator/Maintainer of Himotoki, Carthage, ReactiveSwift, ... and so on! He is developing iOS/Android/React Native apps at Hatena in Kyoto.
Yusuke is a Software Engineer at Mercari. I've been working on Mercari US app in frontend and backend team. I'm passionate about learning new technology. When not coding, you can find me cycling.
Open Source Swift Workshop
Nicholas Maccharoli, Sho Ikeda, Yusuke Kita
In this workshop we will look at the Swift compilation process and what those parts are, learn a bit about LLVM, how to find a bug to work on using and then making a build with our changes and running tests.A merged pull request is not the goal of this workshop, but after attending this workshop you should have enough knowledge to get started and know where to look to learn more.If you are proficient in C++ or even have some experience with LLVM, then you can start working with the Swift compiler right away. If you do not have former C++ knowledge fear not, the Swift standard library and SwiftSyntax are written mostly in Swift and the python / swift hybrid '.gyb' files.

Morgan and Mike
Morgan is a software engineer at Firebase, where he works on documentation, SDKs, and code samples. He first started using Swift just after Swift 1.2 was released in 2015. In his spare time, he enjoys climbing and eating fancy food.Mike helps developers build better mobile and web apps as a product manager on the Firebase team. Mike has been working on Firebase for four years, and has previously worked developing iOS apps at the Omni Group and building microprocessors at Texas Instruments. In his free time, he enjoys spending time in the outdoors, cooking, and hacking on embedded hardware.
Build an app with Firestore, Swift, and Typescript
Morgan and Mike
Join the Firebase team in building a serverless iOS app on top of Cloud Firestore. In this workshop, we'll be taking advantage of Swift language features to manage complexity across our app while also learning the intricacies of Cloud Firestore.

Ahmed Bakir
Ahmed Bakir is an iOS author, teacher, and entrepreneur. He has worked on over 30 mobile projects, ranging from advising startups to architecting apps for Fortune 500 companies. In 2014, he published his first book, Beginning iOS Media App Development, followed by the first edition of Program the Internet of Things with Swift in 2016. In 2015, he was invited to develop courses and teach iOS development at UCSD-Extension. He is currently building cool stuff in Tokyo! You can find him online at
Exploring Swift on the Raspberry Pi
Ahmed Bakir
In this workshop, you will learn how you can use Swift today on the Raspberry Pi. Starting with setting up your development environment, we will move into server projects using Vapor, and IoT projects using SwiftyGPIO. Time-permitting, we will also try to introduce how you can contribute to the efforts to port more of the Swift language to the Raspberry Pi.
Note: You bring a full-sized modern Raspberry Pi is preferred (Raspberry Pi 2, 3, or 3 B+). For those who do not have a Pi, we will be providing a VM image you can use to follow along -- but you should have QEMU installed before the workshop.

Samuel and Nic
Samuel has been working with Cocoa since 2009. He operates Roundwall Software in Amsterdam since 2011. He runs Peer Lab as part of the Appsterdam organization there as well. When he’s not working, he’s skateboarding, playing music, and enjoying video games.
Nic Laughter is a technophile currently living in Utah. He has been writing code since 2015 and currently works as a software engineer at, primarily working on the main iOS app and occasionally contributing to the website and React Native seller app. He sometimes blogs on Medium, and in his spare time you can find him making music, playing video games, or hanging out with his family.
Testing and Performance Workshop
Samuel and Nic
Join Samuel and Nic improve the quality of your apps. Bring your projects (work or personal, we don’t mind) and let’s improve their test coverage and fix any slow problems. Wether there are no tests or lots of tests, all are welcome to join!
Better Developer Tooling by writing your own Mac Apps with Cocoa Bindings
Benedikt Terhechte
Tooling is a really important part of development. Oftentimes, however, clunky HTML interfaces or difficult-to-remember, arcane command line interfaces make daily tasks much more cumbersome than they actually are. A great solution to this problem lies in the development of prototyped macOS apps that solve these tasks with a nice UI. Even better, as they're written in Swift they can easily be extended by all developers on the team. Some examples of areas where these such tools could be applied are testing, data generation, QA, network simulation, visualisation, or command line interfaces. The workshop utilises the concept of Cocoa Bindings in order to develop complex macOS apps blazingly fast. It will also touch on some of the differences between macOS and iOS and finally explain how to directly interact with Unix services or command line tools from your app. The workshop will implement several tooling apps so that attendees get a good understanding of the underlying concepts & technologies. The key learning of the workshop is being able to solve daily tooling problems with great macOS apps instead of fugly bash hacks

Andrew Coad
I grew up in South West England and my teenage hobby was repairing salvaged vacuum tube radios. I could tune in to radio stations all over Europe and, best of all, pick up pirate radios stations broadcasting music never-to-be-heard on the BBC. All this gave me an enduring love of music and electronics. At university, I studied Electronic Engineering but quickly ended up in software spending most of my professional life working for financial services firms. It was with a government bond dealer in New York City that I first come into contact with object-oriented programming with the first C++ Windows compiler from an Irish company called Glockenspiel. The type of problems that we wrested with in those days were: "...should destructors be virtual?" Halcyon days. In 1999, I moved to Tokyo and have been here ever since. I can say that I have found living in Japan a tremendously rewarding and educational experience. These days I work for myself designing hardware and software and dusting off my collection of Jamaican reggae vinyl. My latest "project" is learning audio digital signal processing which is something an analogue guy like me has not had much exposure to over the years.
Fast Audio Waveform Rendering using the Accelerate Framework
Andrew Coad
This workshop explores techniques for the rapid on-screen rendering of audio waveforms generated from audio files. The primary method for processing raw audio samples is through the Accelerate Framework’s DSP library but other supplemental techniques that make use of either SIMD instructions or GPU hardware are explored. Workshop participants will implement sample code in Swift 4.x and can either use a Mac iOS simulator with an audio file provided in the workshop’s Git repository or, alternatively, run the workshop code on an iOS device accessing their own iPod library.

Dave DeLong
A seven-year veteran of Apple, Dave DeLong is an accomplished iOS engineer with a passion for teaching, experimentation, and hacking the Objective-C runtime. During his time at Apple, he worked on the UIKit framework, Developer Evangelism, and Apple Maps. He also worked on the Product Experience team at Snap, Inc. Dave, his family, and his large collection of Brandon Sanderson books live near Salt Lake City, where he’s an active member of the local developer community. He can often be found on Twitter teaching developers about all the ways that calendrical calculations can go wrong and pontificating on the virtues of eating chocolate with peanut butter.
Getting Time Calculations Right
Dave DeLong
Date and time calculations are notoriously difficult to get right. It seems like every month, another app is in the news for getting dates and time wrong. In this workshop we’re going to cover a couple of small but important tactics for making sure you get these kinds of complicated problems right.

Ian and David
Ian Partridge is the technical lead of the Swift@IBM development team, working in open source to bring Swift to the cloud. A committer to the core Swift libraries and a developer of Kitura, one of the leading Swift web frameworks, he comes from a background in virtual machine performance and debugging. Ian regularly speaks at conferences including AltConf, iOSCon, dotSwift, SwiftConf and more.
David Okun is a mobile software developer turned developer advocate for IBM in Austin, Texas. David has been primarily focused on iOS mobile software, but is also interested in Swift on the Server, and other web technologies such as Node.js.
Build a Cloud-Native Swift Backend
Ian and David
In this workshop you'll learn the fundamentals of cloud-native technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, and build and deploy a real server-side Swift microservice into a production cloud cluster. By first building a RESTful API in Kitura, we'll add in database persistence, monitoring, scaling and failover. Sounds complicated? We provide the tools and APIs to make it easy. Learn some key skills, and get on the road to being a full-stack engineer.

Sally Shepard is an iOS developer, accessibility consultant, writer and hardware hacker who has worked on a wide variety of award winning apps. Before the iPhone existed, she studied audio engineering, a field which combined her love of music and tinkering with expensive hardware. She lives in London and in her spare time she enjoys playing any instrument with strings, attaching sensors to her cat and taking pictures with vintage cameras.
Getting started with Swift Hardware
During the workshop, we’ll start by building and understanding a simple circuit, then we’ll build on that to create a CI bot (something that shows the status of your CI or some other service). This would be based on Raspberry Pi’s, all programming would be in Swift.
Note: This workshop requires Raspberry Pi so you can choose as below:- Free: You'll bring your own Raspberry Pi to venue.
- Paid ($65): If you don't have Raspberry Pi, we prepare for you, and you can bring back to your home.
Peer Labs
Peer Labs is your chance to get hands on with things you learned from try! Swift presentations, discuss any issues with the speakers, connect with your peers, work on open source projects, organize impromptu learning sessions and more! Peer labs do not have a strict structure, and are open-ended instead. It is what you and your peers make of it! We will ask everyone to introduce themselves in the beginning, and then it is up to you to ask questions and work together with others on projects that interest you.
During Peerlab, Bitrise will run Demo.
Workshops are free for all try! Swift Tokyo ticket holders. If you have a ticket, please apply from Here
March 21st
8:30 - Registration & Breakfast
9:45 - Opening Remarks
10:00 - Native macOS application, or the world of AppKit

Native macOS application, or the world of AppKit
Swift is the language which we cannot build native application in the iOS or macOS world without, but what is the native application? Is it the native application using Cocoa framework with Swift? To be proved native merits, programmers should know frameworks well, be familiar with Human Interface Guidelines and understand target OS well. By the way, we feel that the Marzipan is just around corner. In this talk, I'd like to talk about the essential point of view in building beautiful macOS native applications.
10:25 - ⚡️🎤Deep dive into Swift Literal

Deep dive into Swift Literal
In this talk, I'll talk about Swift Literals to your deeply understanding. By following the 'Literal Object' journey from Swift Code to SIL, and LLVM IR code, you can see how literals are handed over to the app as exact data from code string, with Intrinsic Protocols. Also, I'll focus on Literal exploitation using Intrinsic Protocols and new features for literals in Swift 5.0. By my talk, you will be a developer well known about Swift Literal.
10:35 - Color Contrast for Accessibility

Color Contrast for Accessibility
How much text contrast is enough? Instead of quibbling over shades of gray, we can use an equation to evaluate relative luminance and ensure more of our users can experience our content. An overview of the science behind the equation, and an exploration of some edge cases.
11:00 - Break
11:30 - Swift as Light

Swift as Light
The Glowforge 3D Laser Printer creates beautiful things out of wood, leather, acrylic and more. By leveraging Coregraphics and other iOS APIs, our app allows users to create and manipulate vector graphics which they can send to their Glowforge. In this talk, we will review how we built some of these features in Swift and how Swift helps to make our solutions more robust, elegant and safe.
11:55 - ⚡️🎤Limited import clarification and its effect

Limited import clarification and its effect
Import is able to explicitly specify submodules or specific elements.In this session, I will review the specifications of these imports and consider the impact on binary size and performance.
12:05 - Generics in protocol extension

Generics in protocol extension
The protocol only handle existential type like associatedtype. For some protocol, when we give some functions in protocol extension, we must put a concrete type. Protocol extension will work like searching function based on type, so it's needed concrete type in somewhere. For example, for some type called A, sometimes we want to write extension using List[A] finaly. In this talk, I'd like to consider how to create generics by force from existential type like associatedtype by using Curry-Howard correspondence.
12:30 - Introduction to Swift Keypaths

Introduction to Swift Keypaths
Keypaths were added in Swift 4. They're a fantastic feature but sometimes it feels difficult to find good situations for using them. However, when understood and used the right way, keypaths allow you to implement additional abstractions into your codebase that would be much harder with generics or protocols. In order to be able to do that, though, it is useful to intuitively understand when to apply the Keypath pattern.
This talk will first explain the different types of keypaths that exist and then go through real world examples to showcase how they can be leveraged in your own projects.
13:00 - Lunch
14:30 - Discover memory leak with Testcase

Discover memory leak with Testcase
In Swift, memory are managed with ARC, so it's occurred memory-leak easily with bad code. How do you avoid memory-leak? Coding rules, Code review or QA as last bastion? Of course we are lazy, so we like something automated than effort or guts. As 4th way, I'd like to talk about test case implementation with Mirror.
14:55 - ⚡️🎤Graphics like Pixar using Swift

Graphics like Pixar using Swift
This is a talk about some of the hurdles faced when writing a simple Ray Tracer from scratch, using Swift.
Ray Tracing is the cornerstone of Pixar's infamous Renderman 3D rendering technology, which dominates the animated film industry. It works by physically modeling light rays and their interactions with objects and surfaces.
Within recent years there has been a renewed interest in real time Ray Tracing, with the advent of more powerful and specialized hardware such as NVIDIAs RTX. Even renowned programmer John Carmack has stated that 'all roads lead to Rome', when asked about the future of real time computer graphics and Ray Tracing.
While I enjoy working with traditional graphics rasterizers, I have always been interested in physically modeling light, and have wanted to learn more about the processes involved. Here I talk about how I programmed a Ray Tracer that renders a simple scene from first principles. Given the timing, it also seemed like the perfect opportunity to test the versatility of Swift.
15:05 - So you want to build an ARKit app

So you want to build an ARKit app
ARKit has shown how AR can be integrated into apps to make them more engaging and fun. If you are thinking about using ARKit in your app, this talk is for you. This talk covers challenges I experienced when building ARKit apps such as ensuring good app performance, positioning virtual objects and working with planes. Learn how to use ARKit to its full potential, keep your AR apps performant and deliver a polished end user experience.
15:30 - ⚡️🎤Introducing SourceKit-LSP

Introducing SourceKit-LSP
Language Server Protocol (LSP) has attracted attention today, and some Language Server of various programming language has been developed. Swift is no exception. SourceKit-LSP was announced in 2018, and development is still continuing now. In this talk, I'd like to talk about the outline of LSP and future development environment using SourceKit-LSP.
15:40 - Swift Server Update

Swift Server Update
The Swift Server Work Group (SSWG) goal is to create a robust, healthy ecosystem for server application development with Swift. Its current focus is to encourage the development of high quality, well maintained libraries and tools that the community can reliably lean on. In this talk, we will review the latest development since the SSWG was announced Sept 2018, describe the incubation process and how to get involved, and dive into the details of some of the active projects and proposals the community and teams are working on.
16:05 - Break
16:35 - Using C, C++ and Objective C frameworks in Swift apps

Using C, C++ and Objective C frameworks in Swift apps
Swift is powerful, it is also relatively new. There are a lot of open source libraries that are written in C, C++ or Objective C. Is there a way to use them all to triple the opportunities to create more unique apps? Yes, we can! In this talk we will go through the basics to explain the relationship among C, C++ and Objective C and demonstrate how to set up the dependencies in a swift project.
17:00 - ⚡️🎤MachObfuscator

I will show you a completely new approach to iOS app obfuscation. MachObfuscator is an open-sourced binary obfuscator written in pure Swift.
17:10 - Driving Engagement with Siri Shortcuts and NSUserActivity

Driving Engagement with Siri Shortcuts and NSUserActivity
NSUserActivity is an incredibly powerful tool which allows the developer to increase an app's visibility on devices. With the introduction of Siri Shortcuts, it's easier than ever to increase engagement with app features. We will explore how to add the power of SiriKit's voice-activated automation to make your app even more enjoyable for your users.
17:35 - try Prototype!

try Prototype!
Why do we really write code? I’ve been wondering: how long is code suppose to live, and just how disposable is it? If our end goal is to deliver great and useful features for our users, is it worth writing disposable code to get to robust code? As good programmers we hone our craft, but let’s look at how can we put all that knowledge to good use so we build the right things, rather than just building things right.
18:00 - Closing / Announcements
March 22nd
9:00 - Breakfast
9:45 - Opening Remarks
10:00 - The Laws of Magic

The Laws of Magic
Learn to develop intelligent and immersive experiences by following rules inspired by Sci-Fi and Fantasy fiction. Like software, a complex and engaging magic system uses guidelines to construct a concrete user experience. This talk explores some speculative laws that support fictional world-building and shows how you can incorporate these lessons into your day-to-day app and code development to produce the same result: user engagement, purpose, and a sense of wonder.
10:25 - ⚡️🎤Making Portrait mode yourself

Making Portrait mode yourself
On the iPhoneX series, with dual cameras, you can blur the background using depth information and finish beautiful portrait photographs.
In this talk I will talk about the process of separating and blurring the foreground and background from the image 'without depth information', blurring the portrait mode, swigging with Swift, finishing beautiful pictures.
10:35 - Building a Social Network in Swift

Building a Social Network in Swift
“But is it really ready for production?” Server-side Swift has come a long way in just a few years. Ian Partridge and David Okun will show how full-stack Swift is ready for your next project, along with the open standards you can take advantage of as you go live on the cloud. Spend more time writing Swift and less time talking about it!
11:00 - Break
11:30 - Swift Hardware Hacking

Swift Hardware Hacking
In this talk, we’ll explore how to use Swift to hack hardware.
We’ll look at expanding the functionality of a cat coin bank (the one where you place a coin on top and cat pulls it into the coin bank) using a micro-controller and various sensors.
We will:
- Count money as it is deposited
- Speak out the deposited amount/total balance
- Connect to a phone via Bluetooth LE to send information between devices
11:55 - ⚡️🎤Basics of Implement convenience with SwiftSyntax

Basics of Implement convenience with SwiftSyntax
SwiftSyntax can realize swift code generation, rewriting, static inspection and so on.
However, how to use SwiftSyntax is almost known. I'd like to talk about this method in digest.
12:05 - Swift type metadata

Swift type metadata
Swift has type metadata, which can be stored type information on runtime. We don't use directly not so much, but it's important to understand the behavior of Swift runtime. In this talk, I'd like to talk about the type metadata and its implementation.
12:30 - Building a Mobile Design System

Building a Mobile Design System
Learn how to build a mobile design system from the ground up. Learn what a design system is, how it's useful to your team, how it can help speed up your development and the first 3-5 things you need to focus on to get started successfully.
13:00 - Lunch
14:30 - Shaping Sounds in Swift

Shaping Sounds in Swift
Sound design with synthesizers is always viewed as something incredibly complicated, however with Swift it doesn't need to be. This talk will focus on the basics of sound synthesis, design, and how you can take really basic sounds and turn them into some of the most memorable of the century.
14:55 - ⚡️🎤Psychology study background and prospects in iOS device

Psychology study background and prospects in iOS device
In past psychology study, experiments using Personal computer or physical lebber has conducted. And today the way is changing that experiments using touch screen for human or other animals are increased. In this talk, I'd like to show you about the histrical background and iPad application using Swift, which cooporate with research institutes, then discuss the necessity and role for software technology in future science study.
15:05 - Property-based test beginning with SwiftCheck

Property-based test beginning with SwiftCheck
There is a method called Property-based Testing that describes the logical properties that the function should satisfy and generates random input values to test. It's based on Haskell 's QuickCheck is the main source, and it has been ported to many languages and also Swift has an OSS called SwiftCheck. In this talk, I'll show you the concept of Property-based Testing and how to describe with SwiftCheck.
15:30 - ⚡️🎤All about linking libraries

All about linking libraries
When developing an iOS application, you rarely do not use libraries or framework.
We use OS provided frameworks such like UIKit and Swift standard libraries. We also use useful third-party libraries.
At the same time, everyone may have suffered from link errors, duplicate symbols, weird error messages from package managers.
It is difficult to solve link errors because the cause of the problem comes from various things such as project setting, the library is static or dynamic, distribution method of the library or execution environment (on device or simulator).
Learning the mechanism of the link makes you possible to solve the problems.
In this talk, I will explain about a library and framework which can be used for iOS applications and explain the mechanism of how external libraries will be linked with your applications.
15:40 - The Philosopher's String

The Philosopher's String
Swift’s String type aims to strike an optimal balance between correctness, performance, and ease of use. This talk will explore the philosophy behind String and how we as a community can drive ease of use even further to make programming with String a true joy.
16:05 - Break
16:35 - Assembly. You can do it!

Assembly. You can do it!
We’ve all had the experience of debugging an app only to end up looking at a wall of assembly that seems impossible to understand. Or maybe you’ve wanted to look at the source code for a UIKit method to understand why it behaves the way it does. In this talk, I’ll show you that even us regular developers can learn enough assembly to help track down bugs, to reverse engineer parts of the system frameworks, and to understand our own code more deeply.
17:00 - ⚡️🎤Contributing to Swift Compiler

Contributing to Swift Compiler
Do you want to contribute to Swift Compiler? If you have cool idea, it’s a good enough reason to start. It’s challenging, but Swift community helps you a lot! In this talk, we’ll cover overview of Swift Compiler and go over how and where to start.
17:10 - In defence of Core Data

In defence of Core Data
Over the year, Core Data has gained a pretty bad reputation amongst developers who prefer to use another service like Realm for their local persistence. In this talk I will make an argument for using Core Data and why it's not so bad. I will share some examples of where it's easy to go wrong with Core Data, and how to avoid those pitfalls. I will also quickly go over setting up Core Data in an app and by the end the audience should have a couple of simple rules that should help them safely integrate Core Data in their apps.
17:35 - 次へつなごう— Extending a hand to the next generation of Apple developers

次へつなごう— Extending a hand to the next generation of Apple developers
It’s never been a better time to start learning how to code. Technologies are evolving and growing every day, and with Apple’s recent advances in Swift and Swift playgrounds, Apple development has never been easier to try. However in the tech industry, there still exists a large gap between individuals trying to enter the industry as a Software Engineer, and the hiring demands of tech companies trying to fill their engineering roles. This talk will focus on this gap - the leaky bucket we see in the demographics of Software Engineers. We’ll talk about how we as Software Engineers can strengthen the existing Apple developer community by discussing how we can extend a hand to those trying to enter. This will involve topics such as sharing perspectives from non-Software Engineers about the difficulties of breaking the barrier, as well as the unique opportunity that Swift and this Apple developer community can provide.
18:00 - Closing / Announcements
18:30 - Party🎉
March 23rd
9:00 - Open Source Swift Workshop

Open Source Swift Workshop
Sho Ikeda & Yusuke Kita & Nicholas Maccharoli
In this work shop we will look at the Swift compilation process and what those parts are, learn a bit about LLVM, how to find a bug to work on using and then making a build with our changes and running tests.A merged pull request is not the goal of this workshop, but after attending this workshop you should have enough knowledge to get started and know where to look to learn more.If you are proficient in C++ or even have some experience with LLVM, then you can start working with the Swift compiler right away. If you do not have former C++ knowledge fear not, the Swift standard library and SwiftSyntax are written mostly in Swift and the python / swift hybrid '.gyb' files.
10:00 - Build an app with Firestore, Swift, and Typescript

Build an app with Firestore, Swift, and Typescript
Join the Firebase team in building a serverless iOS app on top of Cloud Firestore. In this workshop, we'll be taking advantage of Swift language features to manage complexity across our app while also learning the intricacies of Cloud Firestore.
9:00 - Exploring Swift on the Raspberry Pi

Exploring Swift on the Raspberry Pi
In this workshop, you will learn how you can use Swift today on the Raspberry Pi. Starting with setting up your development environment, we will move into server projects using Vapor, and IoT projects using SwiftyGPIO. Time-permitting, we will also try to introduce how you can contribute to the efforts to port more of the Swift language to the Raspberry Pi.
Note: You bring a full-sized modern Raspberry Pi is preferred (Raspberry Pi 2, 3, or 3 B+). For those who do not have a Pi, we will be providing a VM image you can use to follow along -- but you should have QEMU installed before the workshop.
9:00 - Testing and Performance Workshop

Testing and Performance Workshop
Join Samuel and Nic improve the quality of your apps. Bring your projects (work or personal, we don’t mind) and let’s improve their test coverage and fix any slow problems. Wether there are no tests or lots of tests, all are welcome to join!
9:00 - Better Developer Tooling by writing your own Mac Apps with Cocoa Bindings

Better Developer Tooling by writing your own Mac Apps with Cocoa Bindings
Tooling is a really important part of development. Oftentimes, however, clunky HTML interfaces or difficult-to-remember, arcane command line interfaces make daily tasks much more cumbersome than they actually are. A great solution to this problem lies in the development of prototyped macOS apps that solve these tasks with a nice UI. Even better, as they're written in Swift they can easily be extended by all developers on the team. Some examples of areas where these such tools could be applied are testing, data generation, QA, network simulation, visualisation, or command line interfaces. The workshop utilises the concept of Cocoa Bindings in order to develop complex macOS apps blazingly fast. It will also touch on some of the differences between macOS and iOS and finally explain how to directly interact with Unix services or command line tools from your app. The workshop will implement several tooling apps so that attendees get a good understanding of the underlying concepts & technologies. The key learning of the workshop is being able to solve daily tooling problems with great macOS apps instead of fugly bash hacks
9:00 - Fast Audio Waveform Rendering using the Accelerate Framework

Fast Audio Waveform Rendering using the Accelerate Framework
This workshop explores techniques for the rapid on-screen rendering of audio waveforms generated from audio files. The primary method for processing raw audio samples is through the Accelerate Framework’s DSP library but other supplemental techniques that make use of either SIMD instructions or GPU hardware are explored. Workshop participants will implement sample code in Swift 4.x and can either use a Mac iOS simulator with an audio file provided in the workshop’s Git repository or, alternatively, run the workshop code on an iOS device accessing their own iPod library.
9:00 - Getting Time Calculations Right

Getting Time Calculations Right
Date and time calculations are notoriously difficult to get right. It seems like every month, another app is in the news for getting dates and time wrong. In this workshop we’re going to cover a couple of small but important tactics for making sure you get these kinds of complicated problems right.
9:00 - Build a Cloud-Native Swift Backend

Build a Cloud-Native Swift Backend
In this workshop you'll learn the fundamentals of cloud-native technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, and build and deploy a real server-side Swift microservice into a production cloud cluster. By first building a RESTful API in Kitura, we'll add in database persistence, monitoring, scaling and failover. Sounds complicated? We provide the tools and APIs to make it easy. Learn some key skills, and get on the road to being a full-stack engineer.
9:00 - Getting started with Swift Hardware

Getting started with Swift Hardware
During the workshop, we’ll start by building and understanding a simple circuit, then we’ll build on that to create a CI bot (something that shows the status of your CI or some other service). This would be based on Raspberry Pi’s, all programming would be in Swift.
Note: This workshop requires Raspberry Pi so you can choose as below:- Free: You'll bring your own Raspberry Pi to venue.
- Paid ($65): If you don't have Raspberry Pi, we prepare for you, and you can bring back to your home.
13:00 - Workshops End
14:00 - Peer Labs

Peer Labs
Peer Labs is your chance to get hands on with things you learned from try! Swift presentations, discuss any issues with the speakers, connect with your peers, work on open source projects, organize impromptu learning sessions and more! Peer labs do not have a strict structure, and are open-ended instead. It is what you and your peers make of it! We will ask everyone to introduce themselves in the beginning, and then it is up to you to ask questions and work together with others on projects that interest you. During Peerlab, Bitrise will run Demo.
18:00 - Peer Labs End
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Meet the Organizers

Natasha Murashev
Founder of try! Swift

Natasha Murashev
Natasha is an iOS developer by day and a robot by night. She blogs about Swift, watchOS, and iOS development on her blog,, curates a fast-growing weekly Swift newsletter, This Week in Swift, and organizes the try! Swift Conference around the world (including this one!). She's currently living the digital nomad life as her alter identity: @NatashaTheNomad.

Satoshi Hachiya
Founder of Pancake Meetup

Satoshi Hachiya
Satoshi is a Japanese iOS developer working at R CUBE, inc. Mostly, he takes part in R CUBE's wedding service, Hanacolle. He was a speaker at Mobile Optimized 2017 in Belarus. He is also a founder of Pancake Meetup taken place in Tokyo, San Jose, and New York so far. You can find him with a profile picture of pancakes on Twitter, GitHub and Instagram.🥞

Hideyuki Nanashima
Swift Lover

Hideyuki Nanashima
Hideyuki is a Swift lover and focusing to enjoy learning and playing with Swift more. He organizes Swift愛好会 which is the group where Swift lovers gather in Japan. He is also the most famous Kanpai-er(person who make a toast). He is expanding the circle of Swift lovers with Kanpai.

Daiki Matsudate
iOS Developer

Daiki Matsudate
Daiki works at FOLIO where he's an iOS developer. Additionally, He is a Google Developer Expert for Firebase and contribute regularly to Open Source projects like Swift lang, Open API Generator and so on. When not coding, He enjoys going Onsen ♨️, traveling in Japan or overseas and seeing friends.

Nino Sakuma
Designer / iOS Developer

Nino Sakuma
Nino Sakuma ( a. k. a. yucovin ) is a designer and a painter in Japan. She loves Apple products so much that she became an iOS developer. She is an instructor of iOS app development course for beginners `App Creator Dojo(App-Dojo)`. Web site: Apple Blog `Motto shiritai Ringo arekore`. Riko, the mascot of try! Swift, is designed by her.

Matthew Gillingham
Engineering Manager

Matthew Gillingham
Matt Gillingham is currently working at Mercari. He has been developing on the iOS platform for 10 years and has organized the monthly Tokyo iOS Meetup for 8 years. He knows kung fu.

Takeshi Ihara
iOS Developer at AbemaTV

Takeshi Ihara
Takeshi works at AbemaTV and develops InternetTV where he's an iOS developer. Usually, he goes bouldering and play fighting games.

Kouhei Takamatsu
Software Engineer

Kouhei Takamatsu
A software engineer. A weekend freelancer.Working for Recruit Technologies Co.,Ltd.From iOS to server-side, engaged in a variety of businuess.

Yutaro Muta
Mobile Application Developer at Hatena

Yutaro Muta
Mobile Application Developer at Hatena Co., Ltd. I live in Kyoto. I ❤ Swift, but I use Go, Python, Kotlin, whatever. I like sake🍶. Let's drink together!

Shota Ebara
Software Engineer at Cybozu

Shota Ebara
Shota is a software engineer at Cybozu. He works as scrum master and develops some groupwares. His first programming language is Swift.

Satoru Ohguchi

Satoru Ohguchi
Satoru works as SAP Technical Consultant and AWS Solution Architect. His hobby is programming using Swift and making hardwares. In addition, he likes listening to music, watching plays and watching sports.

Takashi Kinjo
Mobile Application Developer at CyberAgent

Takashi Kinjo
Takashi is a mobile application engineer working for CyberAgent, Inc. Previously a developer of ad system for iOS, Android and Web, he now develops Android applications for new businesses at CATS.

Mizuko Aoyagi
iOS Developer

Mizuko Aoyagi
Mizuko is a fledgling engineer who loves Apple and beer🍺. She started leaning programming with Swift. Also she's now developing her first application to publish on App Store.

Akihito Kumakura
Software Engineer

Akihito Kumakura
Akihito is a software engineer working at Sony. As a side project, he builds Mojico(, a keyboard app, with pure Swift.

Shingo Tamaki
Software Engineer

Shingo Tamaki
A iOS engineer. working at Origami. Interested in Testing and Homekit.

Reiko Y Goto
iOS Developer

Reiko Y Goto
Reiko is a member of Swift愛好会 that is Swift community in Japan, and she is Swift programming teacher for kids. She would like to tell the next generation that “Programming is fun”, and also hopes a future that children have fun learning Programming.

Koichi Tanaka
Software Engineer

Koichi Tanaka
Koichi is an engineer at PLAID, Inc. who loves to write Swift/Go. He also likes to organize meetups for learning programming languages.

Yusaku Kinoshita
Engineering Gateway at Mercari

Yusaku Kinoshita
Afroscript is a member of "Swift愛好会", a Swift community in Japan. He is an Engineering Gateway at Mercari.

Austin Zeng
Software Engineer

Austin Zeng
Austin is currently working at multiple start-ups as an engineer. Aside from iOS, he also programs for Wordpress and using React and also does translation and interpretation.

Matthew Vern
Software Engineer

Matthew Vern
Beer powered Kotlin engineer. Sometimes writes Swift. Building products at Mercari, Inc.

Alvin Varghese
Founder of Swift India

Alvin Varghese
Alvin Varghese is an iOS & macOS developer from the land of cultures and traditions, Kerala. He is in his early twenties, has extremely high energy levels and being idle kills him. He is really passionate about iOS Development and technology, that's why he chose to become a Swift lover and an iOS Developer. When he is not working on any projects, he engages himself by reading books and travelling. He has a life-long obsession with learning and exploring. Nowadays he spends lot of his time organizing and managing Swift India Developer Community .

Yoichiro Sakurai
Engineering Manager

Yoichiro Sakurai
I'm engineer at Retty, Inc. Retty is popular gourmet service in Japan. I develop iOS app, and involved in app renewal two times. I also make API server by Kotlin, and make development environment using Docker/Kubernetes.
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