try! Swift Conference is an international community gathering about the latest advancements in Swift Development. The event is about bringing together talent from all around the world to collaborate and share advanced knowledge and techniques to improve Swift craftsmanship. Coming again to New York City on August 31st & September 1st, with workshops on August 30th!
Follow us on Twitter at @tryswiftnyc for the latest updates and announcements!
We are committed to providing a safe space for all of our attendees, speakers, and volunteers. Our Code of Conduct can be read in full here.

Daniel Steinberg
Author, Trainer, Consultant

Daniel Steinberg
Daniel is the author of more than a dozen books including the best selling books A Swift Kickstart and Dear Elena.
He has written apps for the iPhone and the iPad since the SDKs first appeared and has written programs for the Mac all the way back to System 7.
Daniel presents iPhone, Cocoa, and Swift training and consults through his company Dim Sum Thinking. When he's not coding or talking about coding for the Mac, the iPhone, and the iPad he's probably cooking, baking bread, or hanging out with friends.

Ellie Shin
Sr. iOS Engineer @Uber

Ellie Shin
Ellie is a senior iOS Engineer at Uber on the mobile platform team. She has worked on building Uber’s rider app and tools including a code generator and a duplicate code detector. She cares deeply about optimizing iOS apps and frameworks at scale. She has previously worked at Spotify and Microsoft among other companies, primarily on iOS. She has given talks at UIKonf, NSSpain, and other conferences, on iOS app binary size optimization, efficient code generation, and Swift String performance.

Khanh LeViet
TensorFlow Developer Advocate

Khanh LeViet
Khanh is a TensorFlow Developer Advocate at Google, helping developers in APAC build smarter products with AI. He speaks at technology conferences, writes and publishes sample code on GitHub. Before his journey with AI, Khanh was a mobile developer working on both Android and iOS.

Adin Ćebić
Lead iOS developer @ Klika

Adin Ćebić
Adin is an iOS developer who built a number of iOS and macOS apps since the introduction of Swift. Most notably, he built a video player for the mac that reads subtitles for those who are visually impaired or suffer from dysleksia. Also, Adin is lead iOS developer at Klika, an amazing company based in Sarajevo.

Vincent Pradeilles
iOS @ Worldline

Vincent Pradeilles
Vincent started working on iOS apps back in 2011. For the last years, he’s been working at Worldline, where he contributes to building great apps for major French banks. He loves Swift and enjoys sharing about it on the Internet. Most notably, he built the framework KeyPathKit that implements a SQL-like syntax for data manipulation. He is also the person behind the Twitter account @ios_memes.

Soaurabh Kakkar
Principal iOS Engineer at Tokopedia

Soaurabh Kakkar
Soaurabh Kakkar is a Principal iOS engineer at Tokopedia, Indonesia’s technology unicorn. Apart from contributing to large scale consumer apps, he likes to experiment and co-invented a security algorithm that can be read on Google Patents. He has previously spoken on topics like HLS In-Depth, Myths about Application Architecture, Functional Paradigm at Swift India Conference and in company-wide talks. When he’s not programming, he spends time watching Cricket and playing Mortal Kombat on Xbox.

Curtis Colly
Indie Web and iOS Developer

Curtis Colly
Curtis Colly is self-employed as a full-stack web application and iOS developer. Having built a variety of consumer oriented web apps in a myriad of web languages, he appreciates the safety and efficiency that the statically typed Swift offers. He strives to make his code functional, durable and scalable. Curtis enjoys seeking hidden truths. As a result, he appreciates good conversations, experiencing difference cultures and testing innovative ideas in the real-world. He is currently working on a video app for people to share meaningful thoughts on various topics.

Vui Nguyen
iOS & IoT Engineer

Vui Nguyen
Vui has been building iOS applications for almost 10 years, first as a cross-platform mobile developer before transitioning to Objective-C and Swift several years ago. She also builds full-stack IoT applications as a hobby, & has won international IoT competitions with her automated faucet dripper 'Save the Water Pipes'!
When she's not building cool iOS or IoT apps, Vui enjoys fishing, eating, sleeping, and repeating. And glamping, and traveling to different places to go fishing :)
Vui is a Lead for the Colorado chapter of Women Who Code and a Lead for the Women Who Code Mobile Track.

Roxana Jula
Mobile Developer at Nodes

Roxana Jula
Roxana is a Romanian mobile developer based in Dubai with a passion for augmented reality. She started coding when she was 13 years old and so far has been part of the development team of over 20 apps including one of the biggest digital public services app in Scandinavia. She is involved in the tech community, both online ( and offline at local events. As an advocate for women in tech, Roxana is encouraging other girls to join the tech world.

Jason Zurita
Core Mobile Team @ Squarespace

Jason Zurita
Jason Zurita is a self-taught software engineer working on shared libraries and infrastructure as a member of the Core Mobile Team at Squarespace. Having begun his career as an Electrical Engineer, he understands the challenge in changing careers, which is what drives him to try and give back to the tech community (contributing to open source, teaching, blogging, giving talks, etc.).
He enjoys learning different tech stacks and how they can be put together to create new and interesting projects, the Swift language, tinkering with electronic projects, and going for a walk with his wife, kids, and dog.
Workshops are free for all try! Swift NYC ticket holders. Each workshop will take place on Sunday, August 30th from 2:00 - 6:00pm in various offices around NYC. Those who purchased a ticket will receive an Eventbrite email with further instructions on how to select a workshop in early-August.
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Meet the Organizers

Natasha Murashev
Founder of try! Swift

Natasha Murashev
Natasha is an iOS developer by day and a robot by night. She organizes the try! Swift Conference around the world (including this one!). She's currently living the digital nomad life as her alter identity: @NatashaTheNomad.

Daisy Ramos
Mobile at NBCUniversal

Daisy Ramos
Daisy is an avid iOS developer and lover of all that is tech. Currently, she is a mobile developer at NBCUniversal working on exciting new features for the Telemundo Deportes En Vivo app. Before that she was on the iOS team at Citi FinTech building data-driven features for their consumer banking app. She also actively consults for early stage companies looking to build the next big thing, check out Blikkee on the App Store! Daisy holds a B.S in Computer Science from Queens College, the same college where the try! Swift NYC meetup originated. She now organizes the meetup with help from the amazing NYC iOS community to host a wide variety of technical Swift talks. She can be found on twitter as @daisyr317.

Nino Sakuma
Designer / iOS Developer

Nino Sakuma
Nino Sakuma ( a. k. a. yucovin ) is a designer and a painter in Japan. She loves Apple products so much that she became an iOS developer. She is an instructor of iOS app development course for beginners `App Creator Dojo(App-Dojo)`. Web site: Apple Blog `Motto shiritai Ringo arekore`. Riko, the mascot of try! Swift, is designed by her.

Alvin Varghese
Founder of Swift India

Alvin Varghese
Alvin Varghese is an iOS & macOS developer from the land of cultures and traditions, Kerala. He is in his early twenties, has extremely high energy levels and being idle kills him. He is really passionate about iOS Development and technology, that's why he chose to become a Swift lover and an iOS Developer. When he is not working on any projects, he engages himself by reading books and travelling. He has a life-long obsession with learning and exploring. Nowadays he spends lot of his time organizing and managing Swift India Developer Community .
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